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The glassware has been packed and re-packed. The mail forwarded for the umpteenth time. And the motherload of our personal library has found a new home. Again. And it the winner of the Our-New-Home-Lottery is???


Or, Bawlmore, Bawlmer, Ballimore, B’more, or Body-More, if you please.

The land of John Waters, Edgar Allen Poe, National Bohemian Beer (Natty BOH!), The Wire (filmed around our neighborhood in fact), and the grand events of America’s Forgotten War (the one of 1812), is now our new home. After almost 4 years of living apart, Sailor Man and I now share the same home address again, and I for one and damn glad…even if I still wake up in the middle of the night wondering who the hell is that on the other side of bed…

No school for a few weeks yet. I am wandering around this incredible city getting some mileage under my feet and taking in the sights. Some adjustments need to be made as Sailor and I get used to bumping into each other on a regular basis, and figuring out all the one-way streets is a bit of beyotch, but for now, I am utterly content here in Charm City, hon.